Hiking Fiery Gizzard Trail, Tracy City, TN

We love hiking! It's even better in the fall. The South Cumberland State Park offers numerous trails of various skill levels, and  we have hiked several of them. Our favorite trails are Fiery Gizzard and Foster Falls. Both are moderately easy. We love the bubbling sound of the rushing creeks and waterfalls while walking under the shady trees. It is so peaceful and soothing we find ourselves returning time and time again.

The heat wave we've had the past month reduced Foster Falls to a trickle. Then came Hurricane Ida which last week dumped so much rain that the streams/creeks/waterfalls at Fiery Gizzard are running full again, much to our surprise and delight. We saw a few families frolicking in the water; from the shrieks and laughter, these people were having a ball. Making great memories!
A new steel bridge was recently completed at Mile 1.25. Wouldn't it be nicer if it was painted brown to blend in with the woods? We walked over to capture the view from this side of the stream.
Yesterday's hike could be dubbed a mushroom tour. We found so many along the way! No idea if they're edible or poisonous, so we won't be foraging for them anytime soon, but they do make good pictures, don't they?
This was the reward for our short 2 mile hike :-)

Enjoy the cool weather!
This post is shared on Our World Tuesday, Image-in-ing, and My Corner of the World.


  1. ...I enjoyed your mushrooms, we have seem a number on our hikes in the woods.

  2. That name cracks me up! Fiery Gizzard Trail!
    Any idea how the name came about?
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/09/going-buggy-in-our-yard.html

    1. Now that you mentioned it, the trail name is funny. I googled it but found nothing.
      Thank you hosting!

  3. A lovely trail to hike!

    Interesting mushrooms you have here.

    Happy Wednesday!

  4. I grew up in East Tennessee and miss the mountain streams and trails. Lovely photos

  5. A beautiful hiking trail!
    I like the mushroom photos, too!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. A wonderful hike.
    The mushrooms are so interesting.

  7. Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog. I live in north Mississippi. Pickwick is about an hour's drive away, and we go there frequently, especially in the summer.

    1. We had our boat in Fulton, MS before we moved to Chattanooga. We enjoyed visiting Tupelo, Corinth and Shiloh in that area.

  8. I love hiking too - thank you for the lovely wander here with you, stunning Ida filled waterfalls. I like your reward!
    Enjoy your cooler weather too!
    Wren x

  9. It's always a pleasure meeting other blogsits at THE CORNER OF THE WORLD. I enjoyed reading, thank you for sharing.

    Have a good week.

  10. I'm glad you took us along, the views are superb! I'm jealous of your doughnuts because I have to travel for hours to find a Dunkin Donuts as there are no other shops that sell them!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  11. I like Dunkin myself, but these were from the regular Walmart. Good though. Thanks for hosting!

  12. Looks like a very nice trail and state park to have waterfalls, forrest and rushing creeks. I enjoyed the waterfall video!

    Suet Ying

  13. Nice adventure you had. I'd rather eat pastries than mushrooms any day!!


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