Rain, Rain, Go Away

I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that the weather so far this year has been awful. From the violent tornadoes that ravaged Oklahoma to the deadly wildfire in Arizona (and triple digit temperatures in the Southwest) to the floods in Europe, Canada, and now China, it's been one disaster after another (feels like the end of the world, doesn't it?)

Closer to home, the sun finally came out after a week of rain. Many places around the Chattanooga area had some minor flooding. The waterfront and the Tennessee Riverwalk were off limits due to the high water. Below are some pictures taken on Thurs, July 11.
Ross Landing, on a normal summer day

Ross Landing several days ago
Walnut Street Pedestrian Bridge
Submerged pilings at the waterfront.
Mai Thai at the downtown waterfront one normal summer day
Some of the small farms in nearby Jasper were not so lucky. Their cornfields were  totally inundated. It's sad to see all their hard work gone down the drain. The garden in our friends' home in Jasper fared pretty well. A few days ago, we picked some zucchinis, yellow squashes, jalapeno peppers, radishes and an eggplant. The Japanese beetles paid a visit to the brussel sprouts (sorry Julie!). Before we can spray them, rain came again. Not sure what they'll look like this morning...

Farm under water

Corn leaning to one side, beets, etc
Zucchini, yellow squash, Japanese eggplant
Are you having a rainy summer too?

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