Culinary tour to Atlanta, Georgia

There are many reasons we've been tied up in Chattanooga for so long (since 2007!), and one of them is its vicinity to Atlanta. We find Atlanta to be very similar to Philadelphia, with all the usual trappings of a cosmopolitan city - a university (Georgia Tech) in town, homeless people in the parks, traffic jams, and countless malls and specialty shops and restaurants to spend your money. We especially love the abundance of Asian restaurants and supermarkets, where we often go to indulge in Asian foods and provision for Asian groceries.

Our first experience with a Korean grocer was in the suburbs of Philadelphia back in the 80s. It had the cheapest and freshest vegetables! Soon these mom and pop stores proliferated all over Philadelphia and south Jersey. Three decades later, you can find mega supermarkets, like the HMart supermarkets all over the U.S. and Canada. The Koreans must be doing something right. Their culture is taking the world by storm, from food to music and TV drama shows.
HMart Supermarket - Asian eggplants
When we lived in Philadelphia and Boston, we had taken colleagues and friends to sample more authentic Chinese food in Chinatown. Some even got a taste of Chinese New Year celebrations, and to this day, they still talk about their experiences. We are very impressed with the Korean food and markets in Atlanta and have given culinary tours to many friends and clients.
enjoying a Korean BBQ buffet at Cho Won
Showing off their chopstick skills at lunch in Book Chang Dong
Shopping at HMart
Tofu, anyone?
Jackfruit, the new superfood of 2020
Dee knows her Asian pears, having taught English in China
Ji introduces the Fuyu persimmon
Looking through the items at Cho Won
Some years back Eileen and our friend Ji had a food blog and offered cooking classes and culinary tours to Atlanta. We still do it with friends and family, cooking together and sharing recipes and cooking tips. More than ever we find ourselves in the kitchen or galley during these unprecedented times as we navigate our way safely out of the coronavirus pandemic. Hopefully a vaccine will be out soon so we can go back to our normal lives and enjoy eating out again. In Atlanta and beyond.
