Port of Call: Rockport, Massachusetts

Updated: 8/10/23

Did you know that the comedy/romance movie The Proposal by Sandra Bullock was filmed in Rockport, Massachusetts? 

I had seen the movie years ago, and always thought it was filmed in Alaska. So, when two of my movie buff aunts told me they were going on an Alaskan cruise next month, I got them to watch The Proposal. About 30 minutes into the movie, when Sandra Bullock climbed down the ladder to the boat after she and her fiancé arrived at Sitka, Alaska, I thought the scene looked awfully familiar. 
Fishing shack at Bradley Wharf, aka Motif Number 1
Around this time last year, I had visited Rockport (by car), and took lots of pictures of the picturesque town and harbor. Also known as Motif Number 1, the red fishing shack at Bradley Wharf, is the most painted building in America. You may have unknowingly seen it in magazines, artwork, calendars, on a stamp, and other commercial products.
Rockport Harbor on a beautiful summer day
Don't remember where we ate, but this place came highly recommended
Taking a break after strolling around BearSkin Neck
New England seaside towns are very charming, and Rockport is no exception. The main drag Bearskin Neck is lined with interesting shops, art galleries and restaurants.

If you love art, you need to make the 15 minutes (5 miles) drive over to Rocky Neck Art Colony in Gloucester to check out the myriad galleries housed in cute cottages. 
View at Rocky Neck
Gloucester proper is also famous for its sweeping harbor views, sailing, fishing, and yep, the location of yet another movie The Perfect Storm

Y'all have a great summer!


  1. The scenes remind me of the coastal towns in Maine.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Rockport is a pretty little town. I must say I haven't been there in many years, although I don't live so far away. You should turn some of your photos in a journal page for AJJ. But I did love seeing your photos.

  3. Beautiful photos, I especially love the marina photos.

  4. beautiful - it's like your post is filled with picture postcards

  5. Looks like a lovely little community.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  6. I don't know the movie, however do like the photos you've shared. My son used to live in Massachusetts (in RI now), and it's so pretty. Much older structures than here on the west coast. I love your photo of the fishing shack. I have a watercolor I call "The Boathouse" that it reminds me of.

  7. What a beautiful area. The first photo really captured me. I love the look of that old fishing shack!


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