A day in the life of a liveaboard, part 8

Every time I wander into my little garden on the river, the fish stare up at me wondering where is their food? I go get some bread to feed them. All of a sudden, a coot appears before me. Hmm ...Where was it hiding, and how does it know I was feeding the fish?
I have to admit that I never cared for the coots. They are the harbingers of winter. When flocks of coots arrive in the fall.  they bring with them the cold weather. These noisy waterbirds hang out in large groups; they kick through water making such a sound it's impossible to miss them. Some coots have made their home here all year round. In the last several years, some even have babies. The way the parents protect and care for them is admirable. I have gained new respect and fondness for them. Unfortunately, there are no baby coots this year. No baby ducks either, although we see a pair of mallard ducks wandering around. The video of the coots and their babies is from last year's.
duck and reflection of the sky
The Canadian geese, on the other hand, have expanded their population. They are aggressive when threaten, and very protective of their young and their turf. Their babies grow fast! 
A log was trapped near our boat, so I moved it to an area by my little garden so I can spy on the turtles. These reptiles like to bask in the sun. They are very skittish. As soon as they sense your presence, they'll jump into the river.
Pretty sunset a few nights ago
This is one of the reasons why we like the liveaboard lifestyle so much. Do you have a variety of wildlife in your neck of the woods? 


  1. wonderful images, specially duck and the reflection.

  2. I can see why you like your liveaboard life. So much beauty all around you!

  3. Beautiful pictures! Can't even imagine these amazing birds and sealife if not for your video. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Looks liveaboard living has some benefits!

  5. Love the sky reflection in the water.

  6. Hello,
    You do see some great wildlife there on the river. I like the Coots, the geese, the ducks and the turtles. All great sightings.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  7. How interesting and I love seeing the critters there. The sunset is gorgeous too. I had a wild turkey walk through my back yard this morning!

  8. Love your private wildlife refuge in your own backyard! I enjoyed watching the turtles especially and never heard of coots. Thanks for your post.

  9. Liveaboard sounds fun!
    I'd love to experience that.

    Gorgeous photos, mvmaithai

  10. I've never seen coots to the best of my knowledge although I suppose I might have and simply mis-identified them as ducks. Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/06/power-tower-nearer-and-clearer.html so I could see what they look like.

  11. Your liveaboard life seems like a nice fun way to live. Beauty surrounds you. Fantastic photos, I enjoyed seeing them. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


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