Have yard sale, will travel

I admit it. I'm a yard sale junkie. Our first house was furnished with many kitchen tools and knickknacks bought from a flea market in lovely New Hope (Bucks County), Pennsylvania. In the past ten years, we've visited the marché aux puces de Saint-Ouen in Paris, France, the Brimfield Antique Flea Market in Western Massachusetts, and community yard sales from Tennessee to Florida.

So when the annual longest yard sale came around (first weekend of August) I was ready. Driving on Lookout Mountain Parkway through TN, GA and AL is very scenic with vistas of mountain and farmlands in the valley. This year, I went with locals who know the yard sale circuit well. Friday found us on route 28 and 127 in the direction of Dunlap. We stopped in private homes, barns and many vendors along the side of the road. The town of Dunlap is yard sale central. Many vendors lined both sides of the main drag. There were more vendors past route 111; unfortunately, it started to rain, giving us the perfect excuse to close our wallets and stop buying more stuff we don't need :-)
This Louisiana couple found some furniture
A lovely drive through rolling hills to this house in the distance
Estate sale at this house. Teapots, anyone? 
I was on a roll. On Sunday, I rounded up another friend to go to Mentone, Alabama, about 45 minutes away. We had a blast shopping, chatting with the friendly locals and out-of-state vendors.
Many vendors were set up in this campground
A hefty $50 for this license plate!
this Southern gentleman and his wife run a store in Summerville, Ga
We ate at the popular Wildflower Café, which is housed in an 1800s log cabin. You have to be careful walking to your table as there are small uneven steps throughout the restaurant. A strolling guitarist serenaded the diners at their table. The café is famous for its tomato pie, but the polenta shrimp grits was to die for!

Prime rib sandwich, polenta shrimp and grits, tomato pie


  1. Looks like a fun event ~ used to love roam the antique fairs ~ now trying to get rid of all that 'stuff' I thought I needed ~ glad you are enjoying it though ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. My weekend was definitely not as fun as yours! That looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. Sounds exhausting! The teapot collection looks like fun.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. They don't call it longest for nothing, so yes it can be exhausting. You have to map out where you want to spend the time.

  4. I used to go to yard sales, almost weekly some times of the year. Not any more, but I remember those outings with great fondness. Your sales look better than any I ever went to. Fun!

    Happy T Tuesday

    1. some of the ones I've been to are quite interesting. It's more like an event. Great excuse to hang out with friends :-)

  5. What a wonderful yard sale, I would have spent a lot of money if I had been there. TFS. I don't like tea, but I LOVE those teapots, wow! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    1. I'm not much of a tea drinker myself. I couldn't believe how many teapots that owner had!

  6. Sounds like a lot of fun. Your yard saleing certainly has taken you on many adventures. How did you get things home from France?
    I love yard saleling but I always buy things I don't need because they are a good deal. In the end, it's not saving me money if I wasn't going to buy it to begin with.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. I did not buy anything, only looked. My sister-in-law bought a suitcase. That huge fleamarket in Paris had new and old stuff. It was quite interesting wondering around.

  7. I've heard of this yard sale. I'm not really a big yard sale person, unless I see something that catches my eye as I drive by. But I love antiquing and finding interesting things. It's a good way to recycle and upcycle too. And boy that is a lot of teapots. I hope you had a super T day.

    1. I found the South to be really big on yard sales/thrift stores. This longest yard sale is a big event, and it's an excuse for us to get together with like-minded friends and make a trip out of it. Buying is secondary :-)

  8. That sounds like fun. What a big yard sale!
    The restaurant looks good (I mean the food looks good) and a bit of music while you eat is never wrong. I played the video and saw the animals although I couldn't understand a word the man was saying. (I suppose I'm not good t American accents).
    Happy T-Day,.

    1. I don't blame you. I have a hard time with the thick Southern accent also. But you can turn on caption (CC button), and English words appear for a little bit.

      Thanks for watching!

  9. I am sorry to be so late visiting, Eileen. I had an eye dr appointment on Tuesday and am just now getting my vision back.

    I remember when HGTV used to follow that longest yard sale. That was years ago. Sounds like you had fun with your friends and kept your money in your pocket.

    LOVED all those teapots. They were perfect for T this week, dear. Thanks for sharing them and taking us on your trip, too.


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