Seize the Moment

Unbeknownst to us, a winter storm was sweeping across the Deep South, making its way from Texas to Georgia, and into the Atlantic states and north to Boston. We happened to look out the window yesterday morning and were excited to see snow flurries. Seizing the moment, the first mate quickly grabbed the camera and ran out to take some pictures.

Eventhough it's freezing outside and cold inside the boat during the winter, we still like living aboard. We just love the boating lifestyle - the impromptu potlucks with boaters, the freedom to run out any time to take pictures, and the fascinating wildlife on the river. We've seen lunar eclipses and shooting stars in the middle of the night, taken sunrise pictures early in the morning, picked seashells on uninhabited islands, and watched ducks select a safe place to lay their eggs. There is never a dull moment on the river.
Reflection of Mai Thai (2nd from left) and snow flurries (yesterday morning)
Seagulls on the river
Coots, not our favorite bird. They signal winter
The storm blanketed most of the Deep South. Atlanta got nearly a foot of snow. Tennessee missed the brunt of it; we hear a sigh of relief from all who are participating in our favorite Dickens Festival in Franklin this weekend.

Stay warm and be safe out there, y'all!

This post is shared on Weekend Reflections and Through My Lens

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  1. We have cool weather in Coastal BC but no snow so far except in the high country. Even that has been melting over the last two weeks. Nothing like last year when we had snow on the ground for several weeks at a time. The float cabin stays toasty warm with the woodstove going all day, but we like it cooler at night so let it go out after the last log. - Margy


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