Spring Madness

I can't believe it's already end of March. The last time I wrote in this space was November! That was  almost four months ago. It is scary how time just marches on, with or without us. I admire those bloggers who could whip up one post after another. For me, it takes a lot more effort. The multi-tasker me gets disorganized and distracted. But once I get my routine down, I can focus and write. Is this what they call writer's block? Have you ever experienced it?

So this is the last week of March. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked outside and saw snow flurries this morning. Apparently, a storm had dumped some heavy snow from Maryland to New Jersey. We're expecting more snow flurries tomorrow morning, and temperatures will be in the mid 40s for the high, 29 tomorrow night. Old Man Winter just won't let up.

I feel so bad for one of my students who is visiting Washington, D.C. this week. She was even thinking of renting bikes to ride around the area with her family. Good thing there are so many excellent (and free) museums in the nation's capital to keep them occupied, for at least a few days. I hope the weather won't deter them from walking around the Tidal Basin to see the beautiful cherry trees. The Cherry Blossom Festival is from March 20 to April 14, and the National Park Service just updated the peak bloom prediction of the cherry trees to be from Apr 3 - 6.

We visited D.C. two springs ago and remember it was cold and windy around the Tidal Basin. I leave you with some beautiful memories of the lovely cherry blossoms.

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