Super Bowl and Commercials

I received a hilarious video file from a friend yesterday. It is too funny not to share. Perhaps you have seen the video, since the original was posted on YouTube over a year ago. The subject is a commercial for Bud Light. In the forwarded email, someone wrote "A Thought: Why didn’t we see this one during the Super Bowl?"
Speaking of Super Bowl, my brother, an avid football fan, and I were recently chatting about this past Sunday's game. We both used to live in Boston, so of course we cheered for the Patriots. Unfortunately, they lost to the Giants. It was an excellent game, nevertheless. Not that I understand the rules, but I know a great game when I see one. Prior to the Super Bowl, I watched the Denver-Kansas City game on New Year's Day, and it bored me to tears. Sorry Bill! Our consolation was that the chicken wings at the sports bar were absolutely delicious:-)
My brother was surprised that I even watch football. Since I was invited to a college football game (thanks Jim and Beth!) last fall, I understand the game much more, but the truth is I watch the Super Bowl because of the commercials and the half time show. I will never forget the hype and excitement of the Apple Macintosh commercial in 1984, the #1 of The 10 Best Super Bowl Ads of all time. Apple has come a long way. Sitting at $494 a share today, Apple is the largest publicly traded U.S. company, with a market cap of $459B. For those holding Apple shares, I applaud you for keeping the faith.

As for the half time show, why they chose Madonna is beyond me. I love Madonna, in the 80s. Is there no more talent in America? Who would you have preferred performing at the half time show?

(From the email)A Second Thought: When is your next clothing drive?
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  1. Our ex-airline pilot and boater friend Bill wrote the following via email:
    "Sorry Denver game bored you. Will find something more exciting for you next time. Am in process of arranging skydiving double jump for your next visit.....while we watch Bronco game. Have found a great bargain for you at local surplus store. Slightly used parachute with only a few patches and a money back guarantee if it fails to work."

    And my response:
    "Can't wait! The captains can go first. First mates Joy and I can wait our turns:-)"


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