YouTube and Korea's Got Talent

I love YouTube! I have been a fan ever since its early days. I hope Google is able to make it profitable so we can continue to enjoy the freebies the site provides. I use YouTube to share my videos, teach English pronounciation (there are some excellent video lessons) to my students, watch music videos, news, and foreign TV shows.

My latest craze is with the Korean TV shows. Thanks to their passionate fans, who must have spent countless hours editing these high definition videos with English subtitles, I can watch and understand the shows.

I am NOT a fan of reality shows. I did watch two seasons of American Idol, but when Simon Cowell left, I left with him. I do like the talent shows that showcase singing. Many countries have adopted their own versions of America's Got Talent. These shows give contestants the opportunity to tell their stories and show off their incredible voices and talents. Here's one from Korea's Got Talent that will astound and inspire you:

This video has gone viral. As of today, it has over 8 million views, so it may be a tad slow, but do watch it.

Do you have a favorite YouTube video you like to share?

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